Through hard times . . .
Yesterday, I attended my oldest daughter’s high school graduation. It filled me with pride and sparked an important realization.
The school’s motto, “Per Aspera ad Astra” (Through hard times to the stars), got me thinking about my own journey.
I did a little exercise:
🤔 I listed the biggest problems I faced at 18.
⏳ Then, I thought about how significant those problems are now.
👥 Next, I recalled my most meaningful relationships at 18.
🌟 Finally, I considered how those people have impacted my life since then.
The result?
Those “big problems” seem trivial now, but those relationships have shaped my entire life.
This simple exercise brought clarity: while our worries fade, our relationships endure. It’s hard to stress over things that don’t really matter in the long run.
I’d love to know if it’s helped provide you with more perspective.
Hope you’ve found this helpful.
Beyond sharing insights on business and life, I work with my team at a platform that helps our customers grow on autopilot.
Discover more in our explainer video below:
Life at 18 and Beyond: The Triviality of Problems and the Power of People